janvier 22, 2008


Mon compte Pro expire, et boom, toutes mes anciennes photos disparaissent, ainsi que mes sets, les adresses ne correspondent plus rien, la réponse du FlickR Customer Care:


Thank you for contacting Flickr Customer Care.

If your pro account expires, don't panic! None of your photos have been deleted!
This means instead of enjoying the super-duper capacity of your pro account, you're now subject to the limits of a free account. If you upgrade again, all of your photos will be waiting for you.
Any of your sets that disappeared will magically reappear when you renew or upgrade.

For information on the limits of free accounts as well as how to upgrade please see our FAQ here:

- http://www.flickr.com/help/limits/#28

Thank you again for contacting us. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reply to this email.

Flickr Customer Care"

* Cela signifie que vous devez donc payer A VIE votre abonnement à FlickR si vous voulez conserver l'acces à vos photos, je suis C.H.O.Q.U.E.

Qu'en es-t-il de Picasa...?

3 commentaires:

Lucille H. a dit…

Putain... Tu les avais effacé de ton disque dur????

a a dit…

whouao !!!

remballe92 a dit…

J'aime bien les GROS CARACTERES. C'est vrai que c'est un scandale...